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Liz Whelan
Nov 11, 20242 min read
The prolific sock thief!
Typically, the motivation behind stealing socks, tea towels, and anything else that isn’t bolted down, is NOT about the item itself.

Liz Whelan
Sep 17, 20242 min read
4 steps to an awesome recall
The recall cue is THE most important cue you can teach your dog. Here are 4 steps to an awesome recall!

Liz Whelan
Aug 19, 20243 min read
4 reasons why ignoring unwanted behaviour isn't working and what you need to do instead...
If you have a frustrating behaviour you’d like to change, there are two things you need to do alongside each other...

Liz Whelan
Aug 12, 20243 min read
Is your dog chronically stressed, anxious, frustrated, and sleep deprived?
So many of our working breeds in pet homes are living in emotional turmoil because they lack one essential skill…

Liz Whelan
Aug 6, 20244 min read
My top 13 puppy priorities for a happy future together
If this stuff doesn’t happen now, you’ll no doubt be battling with problems later in life and obedience training is unlikely to save you!

Liz Whelan
Jul 29, 20243 min read
Six socialisation experiences for your young dog.
A huge percentage of problematic behaviours we come up against later in life can be traced back to inappropriate or inadequate...

Liz Whelan
Jun 6, 20243 min read
I have popcorn brain! Could this be the reason behind your dog's struggles too?
Popcorn brain is something that I have very recently learned about (probably about a decade after the rest of the world!) It’s something...

Liz Whelan
Apr 30, 20244 min read
Are treats ruining your dog's recall?
You are consistently rewarding your dog's recall with a treat, just like everyone says you should, but still, their response when you...

Liz Whelan
Mar 25, 20243 min read
Is your dog’s lifestyle the cause of their behavioural struggles?
Keep your dog in mind while you read through the following... Studies show that if we regularly fail to get enough sleep, our ability to...

Liz Whelan
Mar 3, 20242 min read
The worst thing owners do
The worst thing owners do that completely sucks the joy out of life with their dog... not accepting the dog they have. Nobody else...

Liz Whelan
Feb 20, 20244 min read
Your dog will NEVER ignore distractions!
Distractions are the bane of everyone's life...particularly if you have a young dog! A common goal is for the dog to IGNORE distractions...

Liz Whelan
Nov 1, 20233 min read
Top tips for getting your puppy through their first firework season.
Noise phobia is sadly very common and has to be one of the most distressing emotional conditions and incredibly detrimental to our dogs'...

Liz Whelan
Oct 6, 20232 min read
1-1 Dog Training Darlington - Personalized Progress
Darlington is packed with dog lovers, and they are a huge part of many of our lives, especially our Labradors, Spaniels, and other Gundog...

Liz Whelan
Oct 2, 20232 min read
Spaniel Training Darlington - Channeling Enthusiasm Effectively
You only need to head to the local park to see how popular our Spaniel breeds have become for dog owners in Darlington. These little...

Liz Whelan
Sep 27, 20233 min read
Dog Walking Darlington - Exploring Nature Together
Enjoying long walks around the surrounding countryside and parks of Darlington is why many of us end up with a dog – especially a high...

Liz Whelan
Sep 25, 20232 min read
Pet Gundog Training in Darlington - Unleash the Potential
Darlington's open spaces and surrounding countryside provide an ideal canvas for pet gundogs to shine. At DogScentric, we recognise the...

Liz Whelan
Sep 25, 20233 min read
Dog Training Darlington - Building a Strong Bond
The town of Darlington is home to many families sharing their lives with a four-legged companion. For so many of us, dogs are such a...

Liz Whelan
Jun 1, 20233 min read
The curse of the adolescent dog – why won’t they listen?!
Your young puppy comes racing back to you every time you call, with nothing but pure joy in their little face! Fast forward a few months...

Liz Whelan
Feb 16, 20233 min read
Why the positive reinforcement approach is failing you and your dog
Whilst correction-based training was once the norm, thankfully things have changed as new studies continue to emerge revealing the...

Liz Whelan
Jan 24, 20233 min read
6 common mistakes that you don't want to make with your pet Gundog
Does your dog have only two switches – sleeping or wreaking havoc?? Do they come home after a walk and STILL bug you to play with them??...
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